
Privacy Policy

Data Protection & Privacy Policy

MB BERLISI is committed to the careful safeguarding of the privacy and personal information of our website users and customers. This Privacy Policy outlines the methods through which we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your personal data. By accessing our website or using our services, you clearly consent to the practices set forth in this Privacy Policy.

Data Collection

We collect specific types of personal information, including: Contact Information such as name, email address, postal address, and telephone number; Payment Information including credit card details or other financial details related to transactions; Transaction Data detailing orders, purchases, and returns; Device and Usage Information capturing details about device specifications, browser type, IP address, and website interactions; Location Information if provided for shipping or other location-specific services; Communication Preferences, which indicate one’s choice in receiving correspondence from us; and any Other Information willingly provided to us.

Data Utilization

The personal information we gather serves multiple purposes: Fulfillment of Orders includes processing, shipping, and handling returns; Customer Support works to address inquiries and provide needed assistance; Marketing Communications involves sending updates and promotional materials, only if explicit consent is given; Legal and Compliance activities ensure we follow legal rules and resolve potential disputes; Improvement of Services focuses on improving website functionality and product offerings; Security measures are in place to protect our website and user data; and other purposes for which clear consent has been given.

Data Retention

We retain your personal data only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which we collected it.

Data Sharing

There are situations where personal data may be shared with third-party entities: Service Providers who assist in our website’s operation, handle payment processing, and ensure timely delivery; Legal Obligations require that we disclose specific data to maintain compliance, address legal requests, or protect our rights.

Your Rights

Regarding your personal data, you have specific rights: Access means you can get a detailed copy of your stored data; Rectification lets you correct inaccuracies; Erasure allows for data deletion in certain conditions; Restriction lets you limit data processing; Data Portability ensures your data is given in a structured, commonly recognized format; and Withdraw Consent allows you to revoke previously given permissions. If you wish to exercise these rights, please contact us at

Data Security

Careful measures have been implemented to protect your personal data from unauthorized access and potential breaches.

Instagram Integration

Instagram Link: Our website features a link to our official Instagram page to facilitate direct access to the array of content we share there. By clicking on the Instagram icon on our site, you will be redirected to our Instagram page, which is subject to Instagram’s Privacy Policy.

No Data Retrieval: We do not retrieve, display, or store any content from Instagram on our website. All Instagram interactions, including viewing content, liking posts, or leaving comments, are conducted on the Instagram platform itself and governed by its privacy practices.

User Interaction: Should you choose to follow the link to our Instagram page, your actions and interactions on the Instagram platform are managed by Instagram’s data policies. We encourage you to review Instagram’s Privacy Policy to understand how they process your data.

Subscription services

Voluntary Information: Our subscription services require users to provide certain personal information like name and email address. This data is willingly provided by users for the purpose of receiving our content updates and newsletters.

Purpose: We use the collected subscription data primarily for email communication. Subscribers will receive updates, news, promotional offers, and other related content.

Opt-Out: At any point, subscribers have the right to opt-out or unsubscribe from our mailing list. Every email we send out will include an option for users to cease receiving further emails.

Third-Party Providers: To manage our subscription list and send out newsletters, we may collaborate with third-party service providers. These providers are bound to maintain the confidentiality of your data and to not use it for any purpose other than related to our services.

Subscription data Retention: Subscription data is retained until the user opts out or unsubscribes. Post unsubscription, we might retain some data for record-keeping purposes but will cease all active use and communication.

Changes to Privacy Policy

We retain the right to periodically update this Privacy Policy to make sure it remains aligned with our practices or to follow legal rules. Significant changes will be communicated via email or through official website notifications.

Contact Information

For questions related to this Privacy Policy or our data-handling practices, please contact us at

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